UF Student Support Services

UF SSS Info Walk: 10 Questions about SSS


What is UF SSS? 

The University of Florida TRiO Student Support Services (UF SSS) Program is federally funded by the Department of Education. The program offers student participants the opportunity to develop academic and personal skills to persist and graduate. Students experience a sense of community and holistic support that guides them while under the OAS umbrella that provides scholarly support services designed to assist eligible students with all aspects of college life so that they can achieve their goals and successfully reach graduation.  

How can UF SSS help you?  

We help students reach their goals by offering college success resources such as scholarships, staff and peer mentoring, academic coaching, free workshops, tutoring, leadership opportunities, graduate school trips, graduate exam preparation, and career exploration and graduation preparation along with so much more.   

Have any other questions? 

We would love to support you in your experiences and growth at UF! If you think UF SSS would be a good fit for you, please click on the application link or email us at sss@aa.ufl.edu



Benefits of Being A UF SSS Scholar

  • Academic Enrichment Workshops  
  • Academic Success Coaching  
  • Cultural Exposure  
  • Conference Travel  
  • Graduate School Prep  
  • Financial Literacy Education  
  • Peer Mentoring  
  • Scholarships  
  • Technology Resources  
  • Tutoring  


  • Be a current U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
  • Be accepted and enrolled at the University of Florida
  • First-Generation
  • One or more of the following:
    • First-Generation (Neither Parent has earned a Bachelor’s Degree)
    • Limited Income (Federal Income Guidelines)
    • A student with a Documented Disability (Must be documented with the University of Florida Disability Resource Center [DRC])

*This is a U.S. Department of Education Federally Funded Program.*